wild horses...?
i found a link to this great article over at Mustang Saga about the state of our wild horses. sorry for the rant here, but this breaks my heart. and it makes me sick. it certainly says something about the rotten soul of our culture which, so indoctrinated into the religion of capitalism, fails to find value in what it cannot exploit for cash. instead we sell our souls for a burger off the dollar menu, a cheap tank of gas and another excuse for the all-powerful oil companies to delay our development of clean alternative energy while they squeeze out every last drop of profit... all while the horses - who were here long before we even became a nation - are made to suffer for it. at the same time, we have the audacity to exploit their image as a symbol for the alleged 'freedom' we claim to stand for and hold so dear. could we be more hypocritical? i can't help but think that this issue is a kind of thermometer for the health of our society... wasn't it gandhi who