Following Release Follow-Up Questions
AoifeTheRambler asked some great follow-up questions in a comment on my previous post , so I thought I’d take a few minutes to answer them because I think they are important issues we all deal with when using the following/automatic release. While I don’t claim this is the definitive ruling on any of these issues, in my opinion and based on my experience, this is how I’d address them: Q: “I used to keep my shoulders back (along with most of my torso) no matter what back in the age of the crest release, but now I curl up slightly when I go forward. Is this due to the release, and if so, do you have any tips to fix it without interfering with my release?” A: Most of us are taught to ride with an arched back and square shoulders to go along with the crest release. And with the crest release, this kind of position is possible because the elbows are bent and the support of the upper body rests in the hands, not the hips and back. Pressing into the hands will actually tend to p