Billie over at camera-obscura has been a great resource in following the rollkur issue, and prior to the next FEI meeting on the subject, she has posted this logo and text, and invited us to do the same in solidarity with Dr. Heuschmann and his message at that meeting.  I hope you'll visit there and consider adding your voice to this important debate:


The FEI is holding a closed-door round table meeting on Feb. 9th to discuss the training method known as rollkur, or hyperflexion, which involves pulling and holding the horse's muzzle to his chest. This practice is known to have many negative effects on the horse, both physically and psychologically. Gerd Heuschmann, the lone voice for the horse at this meeting, has my support and appreciation as he presents his case "for the good of the horse" along with petitions and letters saying NO TO ROLLKUR.

You can see a taste of this method in the Epona TV's footage in the previous post.

Please take a moment today and again tomorrow to think positively about the outcome of this meeting. It will make a difference. 


It is hard not to be cynical after all the previous failed attempts, but I don't want my negativity and cynicism to influence events there, and in a effort to stay positive, I'm choosing to concentrate on supporting Dr. Heuschmann and his mission, rather than dwelling on the negative.  I hope you'll join us by not only posting the message on your own blog, if you have one, but also in sending some positive thoughts for the right outcome to this meeting.


  1. Thank you - it's wonderful to have so many terrific horsey friends!

  2. I do hope this meeting will have a better outcome than some of the others they've had concerning this issue. It's amazing isn't it that with so many people protesting against rollkur they continue to sit the fence or condone it.

  3. You haven't posted in a while. Hope everything is ok.

  4. thanks for thinking about me :-) i'm ok, but i haven't been posting much lately because i've been a bit out of it this winter :-\ it's been very hard to motivate much less concentrate and get some posts going, but i'm hoping to get my act together (and hopefully start feeling like myself again!) with spring around the corner. and i miss catching up on all of my favorite blogs (yours included!) so i'm looking forward to that too. thanks for checking in :-) hope you are well.

  5. Hi, Came across your blog, liked it! Have seen this Hyperflexion in action, in the UK! Of all places. It looked ghastly! I for one will not tolerate this kind of behaviour. So I am against it, totally.

  6. hi cheyenne,

    thanks for stopping in! yes, i was surprised to see so much rollkur when i was in the UK... i guess it really is a worldwide problem. nice to know there are so many of us out there who won't be using it!


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